Kto10 Circulars - Edition 9 September 2021
Teaching and Learning
New Curriculum Support Materials – Kindergarten to Year 10
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755
Trish Dunnett (08) 9273 6794
Schools are advised that new curriculum support materials for Years 3 to 10 have been published. There are currently 93 teaching and learning exemplars published, and more will be progressively published in Term 4, to assist teachers to implement the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.
The resources are accessible on the new Year Level (Pre-primary to Year 6) and Learning Areas
(Years 7 to 10) pages of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website by clicking the buttons on the K–10 homepage at https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au and then following the link to the Curriculum Support materials as shown below.
Access to the curriculum support materials require teachers to login or register for an Extranet account at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/extranet/login.
More materials are in development and will be available online, highlighted by a ‘new’ tag, as these are completed. These include early childhood materials (Kindergarten to Year 2), Years 3 to 10 teaching and learning sequences and assessment exemplars for each learning area.
The materials provide examples of approaches to teaching, learning and assessment using the Western Australian Curriculum and Achievement Standards and are reflective of the Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
It is the classroom teacher who is best placed to consider and respond to (accommodate) the diversity of their students. Reflecting on the learning experiences offered in the curriculum support materials will enable teachers to make appropriate adjustments (where applicable) to better cater for their students.
SIRS, Enrolments and General Information
Reminder: Applications for exemption from enrolment eligibility criteria for Foundation units 2021 for Semester 1, 2022
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Principals are reminded that Applications for exemption from enrolment eligibility criteria for Foundation units for Semester 1, 2022 will be considered after the September Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) results are released in October.
Online applications are available on the Authority website at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms/application-for-exemption-from-enrolment-eligibility-criteria-for-foundation-units and must be received by the Authority no later than Thursday, 18 November 2021.
In completing the application please refer to Section 1.8 of the WACE Manual 2021. https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/wace-manual.
2021 – Collection of Year 12 students’ achievement data
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
This is an early reminder that the Year 12 achievement data is due to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority by Thursday, 28 October 2021 as per the 2021 Activities Schedule.
Information about collecting achievement data will be received by schools by Monday, 11 October 2021.
Schools will need to provide the achievement data for:
- Year 12 students for courses (ATAR, General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific), VET qualifications, VET units of competency and endorsed programs
- non-Year 12 students sitting one or more ATAR course examinations.