11to12 Circulars – Edition 6, July 2023


Assessment workshop for the new 2024 ATAR Year 11 Agricultural Science and Technology Syllabus

Allan Knight
(08) 9273 6792

Teachers of Science and teachers of Agricultural Science courses are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an assessment workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to provide teachers with information on the Authority’s assessment requirements for the new ATAR Year 11 Agricultural Science and Technology syllabus to be implement in 2024.

The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the ATAR Year 11 Agricultural Science and Technology syllabus in 2024.

The workshops will focus on:

  • developing a shared understanding of the assessment requirements
  • development of a course outline and an assessment outline
  • unpacking sample support material provided by the Authority.

The workshop is online, via Webex.

The workshop is scheduled for Monday, 4 September 2023 from 12.30pm – 3.00pm.

The ATAR Year 11 Agricultural Science and Technology syllabus for teaching in 2024 is available on the Agricultural Science and Technology course page.

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) for attendance at the workshop.

Register for the workshop online at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/assessment-workshop-for-new-atar-year-11-agricultural-science-and-technology-syllabus-starting-in-2024-Webex

Assessment workshop for new 2024 ATAR Year 11 Ancient History syllabus

Annette Moon
(08) 9273 6789

Teachers of ATAR Year 11 Ancient History are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an Assessment workshop in Term 3. The purpose of this workshop is to provide teachers with information on the Authority’s assessment requirements for the new ATAR Year 11 Ancient History Syllabus to be implemented in 2024.

The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the ATAR Year 11 Ancient History course in 2024. An additional workshop will be made available in Term 4.

The workshop will focus on developing a course and assessment outline, constructing sample assessment questions and developing analytic marking keys.

Each workshop will include:

  • unpacking sample support material provided by the Authority
  • developing an assessment outline
  • guidelines for the development of a school-based elective.

The date for this face-to-face workshop is as follows:

Tuesday, 29 August 9.00 am to 11.30 am.

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshops. Register for the workshops online at:


The ATAR Year 11 Ancient History syllabus for teaching in 2024 will be uploaded to the Ancient History course page early in Term 3.

Assessment workshop for new 2024 ATAR Year 12 Economics syllabus

Nick Ognenis
(08) 9273 6354

Teachers of ATAR Year 12 Economics are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an Assessment workshop in Term 3. The purpose of this workshop is to provide teachers with information on the Authority’s assessment requirements for the new ATAR Year 12 Economics Syllabus to be implemented in 2024.

The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the ATAR Year 12 Economics course in 2024 and plan to commence the Year 12 academic year in Term 4 2023. An additional workshop will be made available in Term 4, for those schools intending to commence the ATAR Year 12 Economics course in Term 1, 2024.

The workshop will focus on developing a course and assessment outline, constructing sample assessment questions and developing analytical marking keys.

Each workshop will include:

  • unpacking sample support material provided by the Authority
  • developing an assessment outline.

The venue and date for this workshop is as follows:

Technology Park Function Centre, 2 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley

Tuesday, 8 August 9:00 – 11:30 pm.

The ATAR Year 12 Economics syllabus for teaching in 2024 is available on the Economics course page.

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshops. Register for the workshops online at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/assessment-workshop-for-new-2024-ATAR-Year-12-Economics-syllabus

Assessment workshop for the new 2024 General Year 11 Human Biology syllabus

Julie Weber 
(08) 9273 6381

School administrators, Heads of Learning Area – Science and Teachers of General Human Biology course are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an assessment workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to provide teachers with information on the Authority’s assessment requirements for the new General Year 11 Human Biology course to be implemented in 2024.

The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the General Year 11 Human Biology course in 2024. The General Year 11 Human Biology syllabus for teaching in 2024 is available on the Human Biology course page: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/science/human-biology.

The workshops will focus on:

  • developing a shared understanding of the assessment requirements
  • unpacking sample support material provided by the Authority.

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) by attending the workshop.

Register for one of the workshops online using the registration links below.

The dates for the workshop are as follows:

Face-to-face (Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre, 36 Dodd Street, Wembley)

Tuesday 29 August 2023 - 9.00–11.30 AM - Register

Face-to-face (Technology Park Function Centre, 2 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley)

Friday 1 September 2023 - 9.00–11.30 AM - Register

Online, via Webex

Monday 4 September 2023 - 9.00–11.30 AM - Register

Assessment workshop for the new 2024 ATAR Year 12 Psychology syllabus

Colette Ballantyne
(08) 9273 6727

Teachers of ATAR Year 12 Psychology are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an assessment workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to provide teachers with information on the Authority’s assessment requirements for the new ATAR Year 12 Psychology course to be implemented in 2024.

The ATAR Year 12 Psychology syllabus for teaching in 2024 is available on the Psychology course page. The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the ATAR Year 12 Psychology course in 2024.

The workshops will focus on:

  • developing a shared understanding of the assessment requirements
  • development of a course outline and an assessment outline
  • unpacking sample support material provided by the Authority.

The dates for the workshops are as follows:

Face-to-face (Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre, Dodd Street, Wembley)

Friday 18 August - 2023 12.30–3.00 PM - Register

Online, via Webex

Thursday 24 August - 2023 12.30–3.00 PM - Register

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshop.

Assessment workshop for the new 2024 General Year 11 Science in Practice syllabus

Julie Weber 
(08) 9273 6381

School administrators, Heads of Learning Area – Science and Teachers of Integrated Science General are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an assessment workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to provide teachers with information on the Authority’s assessment requirements for the new General Year 11 Science in Practice course to be implement in 2024.

The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the General Year 11 Science in Practice course in 2024.

The workshops will focus on:

  • developing a shared understanding of the assessment requirements
  • unpacking sample support material provided by the Authority.

The dates for the workshop are as follows:

Face-to-face (Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre, 36 Dodd Street, Wembley)

Tuesday 29 August 2023 12.30pm – 3.00pm

Face-to-face (Technology Park Function Centre, 2 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley)

Friday 1 September 2023 12.30pm – 3.00pm

Online, via Webex

Wednesday 6 September 2023 9.00am – 11.30pm

The General Year 11 Science in Practice syllabus for teaching in 2024 is available on the Science in Practice course page.

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshop. Register for the workshop online at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/assessment-workshop-for-the-new-2024-general-year-11-science-in-practice-syllabus2

General Year 11 Science in Practice unit approval process for 2024 workshop

Julie Weber 
(08) 9273 6381

School administrators, Heads of Learning Area – Science and Teachers of Integrated Science and Science in Practice General are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting a workshop outlining the process and requirements for the approval of school-developed units for teaching in 2024.

The workshop is intended for schools that are offering the General Year 11 Science in Practice course in 2024.

The workshops will focus on:

  • developing a shared understanding of the requirements for school-developed units
  • outlining the process for unit approval.

The date for the workshop is as follows:

Online, via Webex

Tuesday 12 September 2023 4.00pm – 5.30pm

The General Year 11 Science in Practice syllabus for teaching in 2024 is available on the Science in Practice course page.

The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred, (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshop. Register for the workshop online at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/assessment-workshop-for-the-new-2024-general-year-11-science-in-practice-unit-approval-process-for-2024-workshop

Cessation of the General Integrated Science Course

Julie Weber 
(08) 9273 6381

School administrators, Heads of Learning Area – Science and Teachers of General Integrated Science are required to note that 2023 is the final year for teaching the General Year 11 Integrated Science course, and 2024 is the final year for teaching the General Year 12 Integrated Science course.

A new course, General Science in Practice, will replace General Year 11 Integrated Science in 2024 and General Year 12 Integrated Science in 2025.

The syllabuses for General Science in Practice are now available on the Science in Practice course page on the Authority website: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/science/science-in-practice.

New science course for 2024 and 2025 – General Science in Practice

Julie Weber 
(08) 9273 6381

School administrators and Heads of Learning Area – Science and Teachers of General Integrated Science are requested to note that the syllabuses for Years 11 and 12 General Science in Practice have now been endorsed for teaching by the Board of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority). The Year 11 syllabus is endorsed ‘For teaching from 2024’ and the Year 12 syllabus is endorsed ‘For teaching from 2025’. This new course will replace the Years 11 and 12 General Integrated Science course.

The new syllabuses are now available on the Science in Practice course page on the Authority website: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/science/science-in-practice.

Teachers are advised that Authority-approved Units will be progressively published for Year 11 in Semester 2.

Each Authority-approved Unit will include:

  • the course content
  • a course outline
  • an assessment outline
  • assessment tasks and marking keys.

An online professional development session outlining the process for submission of school-developed units for approval will take place in Semester 2, 2023.

Professional development sessions examining the structure, content and assessment of the new syllabuses will be offered in Semester 2, 2023. These sessions will be available in both face-to-face and via Webex. Schools will be advised of the timing of these sessions through the Authority's 11to12 Circular.

Design Thinking Workshop – Part #2

Claire Hodge
(08) 9273 6342

Design Thinking methodologies are fundamental to the ATAR Design course. As part of a design process, Design Thinking helps identify and solve problems, generate and test ideas and improve products and services. The workshop is being presented in conjunction with designer and Murdoch lecturer Erica Mason. This session will build on the discussions and activities shared at the previous Design Thinking Workshop.

The workshop will focus on:

  • developing and unpacking real world design briefs
  • exploring creative Design Thinking strategies to generate ideas
  • exploring critical Design Thinking strategies to narrow and refine ideas
  • expanding the toolbox of strategies for classroom application.

This event will be an invaluable opportunity to assist teachers in the delivery of the new syllabus.

There are two opportunities to engage in the workshop:

  • Face-to-face meeting: Monday, 24 July, 4.00–6.00 PM or
  • Online meeting for regional or remote attendees: Tuesday, 25 July, 4.00–6.00 PM.

The workshop is free to attend, however, schools are responsible for teacher relief and any travel and accommodation expenses (if required).

Registrations are now open at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/design-thinking-workshop-part-2


Seeking Applicants for Chief Supervisor and Supervisor for the 2023 ATAR course examinations

Michael Harris
(08) 9273 6767

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is seeking applications from suitably qualified people interested in being a Chief Supervisor and Supervisor for the 2023 ATAR course written examinations. These examinations will be conducted from Monday, 30 October to Friday, 17 November 2023 and are typically two and a half or three hours in duration. A Chief Supervisor must be available for all examination sessions that are allocated to their appointed assessment centre during the examination period.

Applicants are requested to apply online and complete an online application form which is available on the Authority website: https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/about-us/employment under Short Term Employment Opportunities.

Applicants can nominate a preferred examination centre at which they would like to work. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be allocated your preferred centre.

Chief Supervisor applications close on Friday, 28 July 2023 and Supervisor applications close on Friday, 11 August 2023. However, the Supervisor applications will remain on our website until the examinations commence in November.

If you have any questions about the role, please feel free to contact the Examination Logistics team on 9273 6767 or email exams@scsa.wa.edu.au.

Visual Arts ATAR course practical (production) examination 2023 – Submission categories data form

Brooke van Aalen
(08) 9273 6312

The Submission categories data form has been sent to schools on Monday, 17 July 2023.

The form has been sent by email to the Visual Arts teacher through the Principal and includes the date for returning to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Nominations open for the 2023 Awards for Outstanding Achievement in VET

Rachael Davidson
(08) 9273 6750

Schools with Year 12 students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a Certificate II or higher Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification are encouraged to nominate these students for the 2023 Awards for Outstanding Achievement in VET. Awards are available for nine industry areas, with the top student in each industry area eligible to be awarded the Beazley Medal: VET winner.

Further information about the 2023 Awards for Outstanding Achievement in VET and eligibility criteria can be found in the following brochure: VET Awards Outstanding achievement 2023

The 2023 VET Awards Nomination Kit which includes information on how to nominate a student can be found via the following link: VET Awards Nomination Kit 2023

Nominations close on at 4.30pm on Monday, 28 August 2023.

SIRS, Enrolments and General Information

Commencement of the OLNA testing in Term 3

OLNA Helpdesk
(08) 9273 6726

Schools and other education providers are reminded that in Term 3 2023, OLNA testing for Window A will commence on Monday, 24 July and will conclude on Friday, 4 August. Window B will commence from Monday, 4 September until Friday, 15 September.

Schools should note the following important dates for OLNA in Term 3:

  • Monday, 7 August: New or updated requests from schools for adjustments (relating to disability and English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)) to students’ tests for OLNA. Details are to be entered into the OLNA dashboard.
  • Thursday, 10 August: Closing date for new or updated requests from schools for adjustments (relating to disability and EAL/D) to students’ tests for OLNA Term 3 Window B.
  • Monday, 28 August: OLNA student login details and updated student lists for Term 3 Window B. Online results from the OLNA Term 3 Window A.

Online Student Declaration and Permission

Rachel Hoare
(08) 9273 6746

This is a friendly reminder that the completion date for the online Student Declaration and Permission is Thursday, 24 August 2023.

Schools are requested to ensure the following students complete the submission process by the deadline.

  • all Year 12 students
  • Year 11 students who are studying Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Units 3 and 4 and sitting the 2023 ATAR course examinations.

Information for students can be found at https://student.scsa.wa.edu.au/student-portal

  • Log in to the Student Portal
  • Student Portal Helpdesk
  • Student login and navigation guide.

Information for teachers can be found at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/the-wace/student-declaration.

Failure to complete the submission process may impact schools with students who:

  • could win an award (including students who are not sitting ATAR course examinations) and who have not indicated their preference to have/not have their name published in the media or on our website.
  • are unaware of the requirements for achieving the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

Schools can monitor in SIRS which students have completed the online Student Declaration and Permission by generating the Report CSE058 – Student Release Choices by Provider. The pathway to the report is: Reports > Other reports > Report type: Students, Report: CSE058.

Please advise students about the purpose of the Student Declaration and Permission and encourage them to discuss this with their parents/guardians/carers prior to completion.

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority appreciates your assistance in obtaining this important information.

Collection of mobile phone numbers for Year 12 and Year 11 students sitting ATAR course examinations

Rachel Hoare
(08) 9273 6746

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) requests that Year 12 and Year 11 students sitting Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) course examinations provide their mobile phone numbers via the student portal: https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au.

Should the Authority need to contact students during the ATAR examination period to advise about any changes to the examination timetable/s and/or venue/s, this will be done via a bulk Short Message Service (SMS).

To log in to the student portal, students will need their eight-digit Western Australian student number (WASN). The Student login and navigation guide, which is available on the student portal section of the Authority website https://student.scsa.wa.edu.au/student-portal, will help students do this.

When students log in to the student portal to download their personalised examination timetables for the written and practical ATAR course examinations, they will be prompted to provide a mobile number. While this step is not compulsory, the Authority encourages students to enter a mobile number.

Students can only update their mobile numbers in the student portal. The updating of students’ mobile numbers cannot be done via the Student Information Records System (SIRS).

Consequences of not sitting examinations in 2023

Lisa Honczarenko
(08) 9273 6763

Schools are reminded that students who are enrolled in a Year 12 Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) course pair of units are required to sit the ATAR course examination. There are both written and practical examinations for some ATAR courses.

Students who do not sit an ATAR course examination, and do not have an approved sickness/misadventure application for that course, will not have the grades for the pair of units completed in that year contribute to the calculation of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

This means, the grades for the ATAR Year 12 course will not contribute to the:

  • completion of a minimum of 20 units, including 10 Year 12 units
  • completion of at least one pair of Year 12 units from an English course (if the ATAR Year 12 course was either English, Literature or English as an Additional Language or Dialect)
  • completion of one pair of Year 12 units from List A (arts/languages/social sciences) or List B (mathematics/science/technology) – depending on the list of the ATAR Year 12 course
  • achievement of at least 14 C grades or higher, including at least six C grades in Year 12 units
  • completion of at least four Year 12 ATAR courses.

Students who do not sit the ATAR course examination will not have a course mark or grade recorded on their Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA), nor will they receive an ATAR course report.

As a consequence, a student may not meet the requirements to receive a WACE.

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority advises consultation with students who may be enrolled in ATAR course/s but who are not requiring an ATAR to confirm that they must sit the examination for that course for it to contribute to their WACE.

Final dates for Year 12 students to withdraw from courses 2023

Lisa Honczarenko
(08) 9273 6763

Schools are reminded of the final dates to withdraw Year 12 students from courses:

  • Monday, 7 August 2023 – final date for withdrawing students from Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) courses which do not have practical examination components. No changes will be made to student enrolments in these courses after this date.
  • Monday, 7 August 2023 – final date for withdrawing students from General, Foundation, Preliminary and Vocational Education and Training (VET) industry specific courses. No changes will be made to student enrolments in these courses after this date.

As withdrawing from a course is a significant decision, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) strongly encourages students and their schools to use the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) checker to test the possible impact of their decision. The WACE checker is available on the Authority website at https://wacechecker.scsa.wa.edu.au/.

Schools are reminded that students who are enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course must sit the external examination in that course. For ATAR courses with practical components, students must sit both the written and practical examinations. Students who do not sit an ATAR course examination and do not have an approved sickness/misadventure application for that course, will not have the grades for the pair of units completed in that year contribute to the calculation of the WACE.

As a consequence, a student may not meet the requirements to receive a WACE.

Health and Physical Education Professional learning – consent and first aid updates for 2024

Antoniett Halden
(08) 9442 9791

To support teacher familiarisation with the revised Pre-primary to Year 10 Health curriculum content for consent, and the inclusion of examples for first aid in Health Education for implementation in 2024, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) have created an online professional learning module, which outlines the changes. A short Webex session will be held to talk through the changes and the module for interested teachers.

Registrations are now open for the online Webex sessions:

  • Monday 7 August, 2023: 3.30–4.00 PM - Register
  • Tuesday 8 August, 2023: 3.30–4.00 PM - Register.

The professional learning module can be accessed on the Authority website: https://scsaapps.scsa.wa.edu.au/files/csm/pp-10%20hpe/index.html#/

The professional learning module will provide opportunities for teachers to:

  • become familiar with the new content for consent and examples of first aid in the revised Health and Physical Education Curriculum (to be implemented in 2024)
  • view an online professional learning module relating to the changes in Health Education content for consent and examples of first aid
  • examine considerations for teachers who are delivering the content for consent
  • identify some supporting resources.

Consultation on proposed revisions to Australian Curriculum Languages – Chinese: Background language and Chinese: First Language

Adriana Douglas
(08) 9273 6784

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has released proposed revisions to the Australian Curriculum: Languages - Chinese: Background Language and Chinese: First Language, for Foundation to Year 10, as part of the Australian Curriculum review. Registration is now open for the consultation workshop.

Materials can be accessed from the following link on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website: https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/consultation-on-proposed-revisions-to-australian-curriculum-languages.

The Authority has scheduled a consultation workshop to assist teachers to review the documents and to collect feedback to inform the Western Australian jurisdictional response to ACARA.

Registration is now open for the consultation workshop.

Workshop Date and timeVenueRegistration

Languages consultation workshop: Primary and Secondary

Tuesday, 8 August 4.00 – 6.00pm

Conference Room 3

Ground floor, School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 303 Sevenoaks Street Cannington


Feedback on the proposed revisions is invited via the Authority’s survey link until 10.00am Wednesday, 9 August 2023 via https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7430454/Feedback-on-proposed-changes-AC-Languages-Chinese-2023.

Consultation – Proposed changes to P-10 English and Health and Physical Education curriculum

Paula Beck
(08) 9273 6331

Pre-primary to Year 10 English and Health and Physical Education are the first two learning areas to be reviewed to adopt and adapt the Australian Curriculum version 9 within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. Proposed curriculum changes for English and Health and Physical Education are now available for consultation.

Teachers and other stakeholders are invited to review the revised curriculum materials on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website from 30 June to 4 August 2023:


Teachers and other stakeholders are invited to participate in an online consultation workshop to learn about the changes and the rationale for the construct and content of the consultation drafts: https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/p-10-english-and-health-and-physical-education-consultation-workshops.

Teachers and other stakeholders are encouraged to complete the Authority’s consultation surveys to provide feedback on the revised materials for English and Health and Physical Education. The surveys are available with the consultation materials. Feedback may also be submitted directly to the Authority at WACAO@scsa.wa.edu.au

The Authority is working towards having the updated curriculum materials for English and Health and Physical Education available for familiarisation in 2024 and implementation in 2025. For all other learning areas, teachers are reminded that the current Western Australian Curriculum is the mandated curriculum for Western Australia until advised otherwise.

For 2024, the only content that has been updated is the content for phonics and word knowledge in Pre-primary to Year 6 English, and consent in Pre-primary to Year 10 Health and Physical Education.