The Authority provides information each year on the participation and achievement of students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are studying School Curriculum and Standards Authority courses, Vocational Education and Training units of competency or endorsed programs.
The 2018 statistics below are based on information provided by both government and non-government schools. They are also inclusive of students who:
- have completed course units
- have completed endorsed programs, and
- successfully completed units of competency.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Western Australia, 2019.
This material may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged.
- Certification of senior secondary schooling achievement in 2018
- Table 1.1 Number of schools with students* who completed WACE courses by school sector, 2018
- Table 1.2 Number of students* in Year 11 and Year 12 by school sector, 2018
- Table 1.3 Number of Year 12 students who completed Year 12 General and Foundation courses only, 1-3 Year 12 ATAR course examinations and 4 or more Year 12 ATAR course examinations, by school sector, by gender, 2018
- Table 1.4 Composition of Year 12 cohorts, 2017–2018
- Table 1.6 'Typical' school students* achieving a Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) in 2018
- Table 1.7 Number of students who received exhibitions and awards in 2018
- Table 1.8 Number of full fee paying students* in Year 11 and Year 12 by school sector, 2018
- Table 1.9 Number of full fee paying students* achieving a Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) in 2018
- Table 1.10 Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students* achieving a Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), 2017–2018
- Table 1.11 Participation of students born in 2000 (dates of birth between 1 July 2000 and 30 June 2001 and 2001 (dates of birth between 1 July 2001 and 30 June 2002 in schooling and in non-school programs, 2018
Section 2 - Year 11 Course Statistics
Section 3 - Year 12 Course Statistics
- Explanation of how school marks and ATAR course examination marks are used in the calculation of the combined scores
- Table 4.1 Number of candidates sitting the ATAR examination in each course 2016 - 2018
- Table 4.2 Candidates in each ATAR course examination, shown as percentage of total candidature 2016 - 2018
- Table 4.3 Total number and percentage of full-time and part-time enrolments in tertiary admission/entrance subjects/WACE/ATAR examination course, 1986-2018
- Table 4.4 Age of enrolled students in ATAR course examinations by enrolment type and gender 2018
- Table 4.5 Non school candidature and absent non-school candidature in ATAR course examinations 2017 - 2018
- Table 4.7 Number and percentage of candidates sitting for a specific number of WACE ATAR course examinations 2015 - 2018
- Table 4.8 Enrolments and absentees in each ATAR course examination 2018
- Table 4.9 Number of anomalous performers identified in each ATAR course examination 2017 - 2018
- Table 4.10 Course absentee and anomalous performer rate in relation to the date of the written component of the ATAR course examination 2018
- Table 4.11 Summary statistics on ATAR course examination 2018
- Table 4.12 Mean and standard deviation of moderated school assessments raw examination marks and correlation coefficients for ATAR course examinations by gender 2018
- Table 4.13 Mean and standard deviation of combined scores for ATAR course examinations by gender 2018
- Table 4.19 Age of full fee paying overseas students enrolled in 2018 ATAR course examinations by enrolment type and gender
- Table 4.20 Number and percentage of full fee paying overseas students sitting for a specific number of WACE ATAR course examinations 2015 - 2018
- Table 4.21 Number of full fee paying overseas students sitting the ATAR examination in each course 2016 - 2018
- Table 4.22 Enrolments and absentees of full fee paying overseas students in each ATAR course examination 2018
Section 5 - Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Endorsed Programs
- Table 5.1 Year 12 students using unit equivalents to achieve a Western Australian Certificate of Education WACE 2018
- Table 5.2 Number of schools with students who achieved at least one VET* unit of competency, 2018
- Table 5.3 Number of schools with students who achieved at least one VET* unit of competency and at least one workplace learning endorsed program, 2018
- Table 5.4 Number of students who achieved at least one VET* unit of competency and at least one workplace learning endorsed program, by gender, 2018
- Table 5.5.1 Number of Years 8 and 9 students who participated in units of competency*, by gender, 2018
- Table 5.5.2 Number of Year 10 students who participated in units of competency*, by gender, 2018
- Table 5.5.3 Number of Year 11 students who participated in units of competency*, by gender 2018
- Table 5.5.4 Number of Year 12 students who participated in units of competency*, by gender 2018
- Table 5.5.5 Number of Years 10 to 12 students who participated in units of competency*, by gender 2018
- Table 5.5.6 Number of Years 8 to 12 students who participated in units of competency*, by gender 2018
- Table 5.6 Number of students who completed at least one VET* unit of competency at a Registered Training Organisation, 2018
- Table 5.7 Number of students enrolled in at least one VET qualification* (enrolled in at least one UoC) who completed at least one VET qualification
- Table 5.8 Number of students enrolled in VET qualification* who completed the qualification (RSQUAL) by qualification level
- Table 5.12 VET Achievements Full and Partial Qualifications for all students of all schools in 2018
- Table 5.14 Registered Training Organisation VET Offering Summary 2018
- Table 5.22 Number of endorsed program unit equivalents achieved by students by gender 2018
- Table 5.23 Number of schools and number of Year 10 students who completed endorsed programs by program provider
- Table 5.24 Number of schools and number of Year 11 students who completed endorsed programs by program provider, program and school type, 2018
- Table 5.25 Number of schools and number of Year 12 students who completed endorsed programs by program provider, program and school type, 2018
- Table 5.26 Number of students who achieved an endorsed program, by gender 2018
Section 6 - Secondary Student Progression and Retention Rates - Selected Years