The Authority provides information each year on the participation and achievement of students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are studying School Curriculum and Standards Authority courses, Vocational Education and Training units of competency or endorsed programs.
The 2013 statistics below are based on information provided by both government and non-government schools. They are also inclusive of students who:
- have completed course units
- have completed endorsed programs, and
- successfully completed units of competency.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Western Australia, 2014.
This material may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged.View AllSection 1 - General
Upper secondary schools and student information
- Table 1.1 & Figure 1.1 and Table 1.2 & Figure 1.2 - Schools with students enrolled in upper secondary subjects/WACE courses by school sector
- Table 1.3 - Year 12 students who completed wholly school assessed subjects and WACE course units only, 1-3 WACE examination courses and 4 or more WACE examination courses.
- Table 1.4 - Composition of Year 12 cohorts, 2012 - 2013
- Table 1.5 - Combinations of Year 11 and Year 12 subjects and courses completed in 2013 - not produced
Certification and Western Australian Certification of Education
- Table 1.6 - 'Typical' school students achieving a WACE in 2013
- Table 1.7 - Number of exhibitions and awards granted in 2013
Fee paying overseas students
- Table 1.8 - Number of full fee paying students in Year 11 and Year 12 by school sector 2013
- Table 1.9 - Number of full fee paying overseas students achieving a WACE in 2013
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Raising of school leaving age information
Section 2 - Year 11 Course Statistics
Section 3 - Year 12 Course Statistics
- Explanation of how school marks and WACE examination marks are used in the calculation of WACE course scores
- Table 4.1 - Candidates sitting the TEE/WACE examination in each subject/course 2011 - 2013
- Table 4.2 - 2013 Table 4.2 Candidates in each TEE subject-WACE examination course, shown as percentage of total candidature, 2009-2013
- Table 4.3 - Full and part-time enrolments in tertiary admissions,entrance subject/WACE course exams, 1986-2013
- Table 4.5 - Private candidature and absent private candidates in TEE Subject/WACE Course exams, 2011-2013
- Table 4.6 - Background candidates in TEE subjects, 2009-2013 and Number of TEE subject/WACE course exams sat by candidates, 2010-2013
- Table 4.7 - Number and percentage of candidates sitting for a specific number of WACE course examinations 2010-2013
- Table 4.8 - Enrolments, absentees and non-examination candidates in each TEE subject/WACE course exam, 2013
- Table 4.9 - Anomalous/irregular performers, 2012-2013
- Table 4.10 - Subject/course absentee and anomalous/irregular performer rate
Summary Statistics on TEE/WACE Course Examination Papers
- Table 4.11 - Summary statistics on examination papers
- Table 4.12 - Moderated school assessments and raw examination marks for WACE courses
- Table 4.13 - Combined and scaled marks for TEE subjects/WACE course exams
- Table 4.14 - Relationship between raw exam marks and standardised exam marks, for TEE subject/WACE course exams
- Table 4.15 - Relationship between combined marks and scaled marks for WACE course exams (no longer available)
- Table 4.16 - Subject loading, 2012-2013 (no longer available)
- Table 4.17 - Ranges of WACE course scores in WACE course examinations, 2013
- Table 4.19 - Age of overseas students enrolled in WACE course exams
- Table 4.20 - Overseas students sitting for a specific number of TEE subjects/WACE course exams, 2009-2013
- Table 4.21 - Overseas students sitting the TEE/WACE course exams, 2009-2013
Section 5 - Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Endorsed Programs
- Table 5.1 - Students using unit equivalents to achieve a WACE 2013
- Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 - VET and WPL school numbers 2013
- Tables 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 - VET UoC participation 2013
- Tables 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 - VET and WPL student numbers 2013
- Table 5.9 - Successful completions of units of competency integrated in School Curriculum and Standards Authority courses, by sex, 2013
- Table 5.11 - Number of students who achieved at least on VET unit of competency by WACE delivery type 2013
- Table 5.12 - Number of students who achieved at least one qualification 2013
- Table 5.13 - Number of VET unit equivalents achieved by students 2013
- Table 5.14 - Registered Training Organisations offering VET UoCs to students who completed at least one VET UoC 2013
- Tables 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17 - Endorsed Program achievement school numbers 2013
- Tables 5.18, 5.19 and 5.20 - Endorsed Program achievement student numbers 2013
- Table 5.21 - Achievement of Workplace Learning endorsed programs 2013
- Table 5.23 - Number of schools and Y10 students who completed endorsed programs 2013
- Table 5.24 - Number of schools and Y11 students who completed endorsed programs 2013
- Table 5.25 - Number of schools and number of Year 12 students who completed endorsed programs by program provider, program and school type 2013
- Table 5.26 - Number of students who achieved an endorsed program, by sex, 2013
- Table 5.27 - VET Qualification Enrolments and Completions 2013
- Table 5.28 - Number of students enrolled in VET qualification who completed the qualification (RSQUAL) by qualification level 2013
Section 6 - Secondary Student Progression and Retention Rates - Selected Years
- Table 6.1 - Full-time secondary students years 7 to 12 by sex (govt and non-govt schools) - 1990 to 2013 (52 Kb)
- Table 6.2 - Full-time secondary student progression rates years 8 to 12 by sex (govt and non-govt schools) - July, 1990 to 2013
- Table 6.3 - Full-time secondary students apparent retention rates years 8 to 12 (govt and non-govt schools) - July 1990 to 2013
Section 7 - Year 10 Student Statistics
Appendix 1 - Intercorrelations Among Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) subjects (no longer available)
- Humanities/Social Sciences WACE courses - no longer available
- Quantitative/Sciences WACE courses - no longer available
- Humanities/Social Sciences and quantitative/Sciences WACE courses - no longer available