Kto10 Circulars – Edition 6, July 2023

Teaching and Learning

Health and Physical Education Professional learning – consent and first aid updates for 2024

Antoniett Halden
(08) 9442 9791

To support teacher familiarisation with the revised Pre-primary to Year 10 Health curriculum content for consent, and the inclusion of examples for first aid in Health Education for implementation in 2024, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) have created an online professional learning module, which outlines the changes. A short Webex session will be held to talk through the changes and the module for interested teachers.

Registrations are now open for the online Webex sessions:

  • Monday 7 August, 2023: 3.30–4.00 PM - Register
  • Tuesday 8 August, 2023: 3.30–4.00 PM - Register.

The professional learning module can be accessed on the Authority website: https://scsaapps.scsa.wa.edu.au/files/csm/pp-10%20hpe/index.html#/

The professional learning module will provide opportunities for teachers to:

  • become familiar with the new content for consent and examples of first aid in the revised Health and Physical Education Curriculum (to be implemented in 2024)
  • view an online professional learning module relating to the changes in Health Education content for consent and examples of first aid
  • examine considerations for teachers who are delivering the content for consent
  • identify some supporting resources.

English (P–6) Professional learning – phonics and word knowledge updates for 2024

Alison Aldersea
(08) 9442 9733

To support teacher familiarisation with the revised Pre-primary to Year 6 English curriculum content for phonics and word knowledge for implementation in 2024, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) have created an online professional learning module, which outlines the changes. A Webex session will be held to talk through the changes and the module for interested teachers.

Registrations are now open for the online Webex sessions:

  • Tuesday 8 August, 2023: 3.30–4.15 PM - Register
  • Wednesday 9 August, 2023: 3.30–4.15 PM - Register

The professional learning module can be accessed on the Authority website:

The professional learning module will provide opportunities for teachers to:

  • become familiar with the revised content for phonics and word knowledge in the revised WA Curriculum (to be implemented in 2024)
  • view an online professional learning module relating to the changes in English content for phonics and word knowledge
  • examine considerations for teachers who are delivering the new content for phonics and word knowledge.

Consultation on proposed revisions to Australian Curriculum Languages – Chinese: Background language and Chinese: First Language

Adriana Douglas
(08) 9273 6784

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has released proposed revisions to the Australian Curriculum: Languages - Chinese: Background Language and Chinese: First Language, for Foundation to Year 10, as part of the Australian Curriculum review. Registration is now open for the consultation workshop.

Materials can be accessed from the following link on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website: https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/consultation-on-proposed-revisions-to-australian-curriculum-languages.

The Authority has scheduled a consultation workshop to assist teachers to review the documents and to collect feedback to inform the Western Australian jurisdictional response to ACARA.

Registration is now open for the consultation workshop.

Workshop Date and timeVenueRegistration

Languages consultation workshop: Primary and Secondary

Tuesday, 8 August 4.00 – 6.00pm

Conference Room 3

Ground floor, School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 303 Sevenoaks Street Cannington


Feedback on the proposed revisions is invited via the Authority’s survey link until 10.00am Wednesday, 9 August 2023 via https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7430454/Feedback-on-proposed-changes-AC-Languages-Chinese-2023.

Consultation – Proposed changes to P-10 English and Health and Physical Education curriculum

Paula Beck
(08) 9273 6331

Pre-primary to Year 10 English and Health and Physical Education are the first two learning areas to be reviewed to adopt and adapt the Australian Curriculum version 9 within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. Proposed curriculum changes for English and Health and Physical Education are now available for consultation.

Teachers and other stakeholders are invited to review the revised curriculum materials on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website from 30 June to 4 August 2023:


Teachers and other stakeholders are invited to participate in an online consultation workshop to learn about the changes and the rationale for the construct and content of the consultation drafts: https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/p-10-english-and-health-and-physical-education-consultation-workshops.

Teachers and other stakeholders are encouraged to complete the Authority’s consultation surveys to provide feedback on the revised materials for English and Health and Physical Education. The surveys are available with the consultation materials. Feedback may also be submitted directly to the Authority at WACAO@scsa.wa.edu.au

The Authority is working towards having the updated curriculum materials for English and Health and Physical Education available for familiarisation in 2024 and implementation in 2025. For all other learning areas, teachers are reminded that the current Western Australian Curriculum is the mandated curriculum for Western Australia until advised otherwise.

For 2024, the only content that has been updated is the content for phonics and word knowledge in Pre-primary to Year 6 English, and consent in Pre-primary to Year 10 Health and Physical Education.

SIRS, Enrolments and General Information

Commencement of the OLNA testing in Term 3

OLNA Helpdesk
(08) 9273 6726

Schools and other education providers are reminded that in Term 3 2023, OLNA testing for Window A will commence on Monday, 24 July and will conclude on Friday, 4 August. Window B will commence from Monday, 4 September until Friday, 15 September.

Schools should note the following important dates for OLNA in Term 3:

  • Monday, 7 August: New or updated requests from schools for adjustments (relating to disability and English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)) to students’ tests for OLNA. Details are to be entered into the OLNA dashboard.
  • Thursday, 10 August: Closing date for new or updated requests from schools for adjustments (relating to disability and EAL/D) to students’ tests for OLNA Term 3 Window B.
  • Monday, 28 August: OLNA student login details and updated student lists for Term 3 Window B. Online results from the OLNA Term 3 Window A.