Kto10 Circulars – Edition 8, September 2024

Teaching and Learning

Pre-primary to Year 6 English curriculum 2025 implementation workshops

Alison Aldersea
(08) 9273 6733

Schools are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is offering Pre-primary to Year 6 English curriculum face-to-face and Webex workshops to support implementation of the revised English curriculum in 2025.

Full day metropolitan and country workshops, and half day Webex workshops will continue to be offered at the beginning of Term 4, 2024. The workshops will provide attendees with an understanding of the revisions to the English Pre-primary to Year 10 curriculum content and include support materials to assist with planning, teaching and assessing the revised curriculum.

Registration and further details are available on the Authority website https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/implementation-of-2025-years-p-6-english-curriculum-workshop

The workshops are not compulsory and are free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshops.

Years 7–10 English curriculum 2025 implementation workshops

Leanne Bondin
(08) 9273 6721

Schools are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is offering
Years 7–10 English curriculum face-to-face and Webex workshops to support implementation of the revised English curriculum in 2025.

Full day metropolitan and country workshops, and half day Webex workshops will continue to be offered at the beginning of Term 4, 2024. The workshops will provide attendees with an understanding of the revisions to the English Pre-primary to Year 10 curriculum content and include support materials to assist with planning, teaching and assessing the revised curriculum.

Registration and further details are available on the Authority website

The workshops are not compulsory and are free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshops.

SIRS, Enrolments and General Information

Applications for permission to enrol in a WACE Language course Year 11 or 12 2025

Nadia Civa 
(08) 9273 6355

Schools are advised that the last date for commencing an Application for permission to enrol in a WACE Languages course (for enrolment in a WACE language course in 2025) has passed.

Students who have started an application but have not submitted it, and have decided not to continue their study of a language in senior secondary Year 11 (or 12), are encouraged to cancel the application in the Student Portal.

Students who intend to continue with their application are advised to complete it as soon as possible and submit in the Student Portal.

Any application that has not been submitted by Friday, 18 October 2024 will be deleted from the system.

If you require any further information, please email languagesenrolment@scsa.wa.edu.au.

Applications for recording of enrolment and achievement in ATAR Units 1 and 2 for students in Year 10 in 2026 (Year 8, 2024)

Buddhini Daluwatta
(08) 9273 6315

Principals are advised that Applications for recording of enrolment and achievement in ATAR Units 1 and 2 for students in Year 10 in 2026 (Year 8, 2024) must be received by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) no later than Thursday, 14 November 2024. The completed application form is to be emailed to certification@scsa.wa.edu.au.

An application form can be downloaded from the Authority website https://scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms under the Enrolments tab.

Schools should only apply if the studies are part of a longer-term program for students who are:

  • gifted and talented, or
  • accelerated language students.

For further information, please refer to Section 7 in the WACE Manual 2024. This publication is available on the Authority website